Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week Twenty-three

Week Twenty –three

Compound-Complex/All/S-Vt-IO-DO Adverbs Tasks 1-6

Race to see who can write 112 sentence chart on the board first.


Philippians 4:8 Finally, brother, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.



Monica gave her dog a bone.

She gave her cat a toy.

She really loves animals.

Monica, who really loves animals, gave her cat a toy, and she gave her dog a bone.

Write the three sentences on the board. Allow the students to put them together using FANBOYS and w/w. Identify and diagram this sentence.


We are going to have a quick review of adverbs before learning about the last kind of verbals.

What questions do adverbs answer? (How? When? Where? Why? How often? How much? To what extent? Under what conditions?)

Adverbs can be:

Simple (one-word adverb, no suffix) very

Flexional (adjective + ly) quickly ---------flexional can have degrees, like adjectives

Affirmative yes, certainly positive swiftly

Negative no, not, never comparative more swiftly

superlative most swiftly

Verbals: Gerunds

Last week we learned about infinitives being used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs and participles being used as adjectives. This week we are going to learn about present participles used as nouns. Remember, present participles are verbs ending in –ing. Also, remember a noun is a person, place, thing, activity, or idea. Well, gerunds are typically activity nouns. Here are some examples:

Voting was illegal for all black men. Subject

I love dancing. Direct object

The judges awarded her cooking first prize. Indirect object

By studying, she passed the quiz. Preposition

Her favorite pastime is knitting. Predicate noun

The teacher called his behavior cheating. Object complement noun

Have children come up with examples.


Tasks 1-6

Sentence 3, 372

Week Twenty-two

Week Twenty-two

Compound-Complex/All/S-Vl-PN and PA Verbals Tasks 1-6

(Label this sentence.)

My brother, who loves sports, yelled, but he enjoyed the game while he watched it on TV.


Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.


Verbals: Infinitives

We are supposed to be reviewing sentence patterns right now, but I am going to be introducing something difficult, and I wanted the most time available for that. I will spend some time on the other at the end of class, if we have time.

A few weeks ago we began working on verb anatomy. The first principal part of the verb is? (infinitive) The infinitive is a verb in its base form. However, it can also act as a noun, adjective, or adverb in the context of a sentence.

To dance is fun. (infinitive acting as subject)

I love to dance. (infinitive acting as a direct object)

I need a song to sing. (infinitive acting as an adjective – what kind?)

Jesus is easy to love. (infinitive acting as an adverb – how?)

Examples? – use it in a sentence.

Infinitives can be simple, like the ones above, or they can be phrases and clauses.

To win the presidency takes hard work. (entire infinitive phrase acting as subject)

Jesus loves to help children. (infinitive phrase acting as a direct object)

They had the money to visit France. (infinitive phrase acting as adjective – what kind?)

Jesus died to free sinners. (infinitive phrase acting as adverb – why?)


Verbals: Participles Let’s review again. What are the five principal parts of a verb?( Infinitive, present, past, present participle, past participle)

We’ve just learned how infinitives can act as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs in a sentence. Now we’re going to learn how present and past participles can act as adjectives in a sentence.

Here are some examples:

Jumping, calling, laughing, playing present participle

Jumped, called, laughed, played past participle

Here are some sample sentences using participles:

The jumping child broke his wrist on the trampoline. (present participle used as an adjective)

Don’t awaken a sleeping giant.

The delighted mother received flowers.

The decayed tooth caused her great pain.

Similar to Infinitives, participles can also be used as phrases.

Struggling vigorously, the disciples fell asleep.

Labeled a failure, the sad child cheated on the exam.

Be careful not to confuse participles used as adjectives with verb phrases. If it has a helping verb, it is a verb phrase, not a verbal.

Vh Vi part.

The boys were swimming in a rushing river.


Tasks 1-6

To win a race is wonderful, but since my friend lost, I feel confused.

is wonderful

I feel confused

friend lost

Week Twenty-one

Week Twenty-One

Compound-Complex/All/S-Vi/S-Vt-DO Conjunctions Tasks 1-6


James 1:4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.



Today we are going to learn about out last sentence structure, compound-complex. These types of sentences are formed when you take a compound sentence and a complex sentence and mesh them together. In order to better understand how this works, let’s review compound and complex sentences.

*Remember that a clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb.

An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a sentence.

A dependent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence.

Compound sentences consist of two Independent clauses that are joined by a coordinating conjunction (Fanboys) and separated by a comma.

I cooked my supper, and then I ate it.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

Zachary likes cheese, but Luke likes peanut butter.

Complex sentences consist of one independent clause and at least one subordinate, or dependent clause.

My supper, which was spaghetti, was delicious.

The Lord, who is my Shepherd, is gentle and loving.

While Katie likes biscuits and gravy, Luke prefers spaghetti.

So, we have compound sentences and complex sentences. Now, we just need to mesh them together to make compound-complex sentences. (Give example, then ask for ideas.)

I cooked my supper, which was spaghetti, and then I ate it.

Give thanks to the Lord, who is my Shepherd, for he is good.

While Katie likes biscuits and gravy, Zachary likes cheese, but Luke prefers pancakes.

So, you can see that these sentences have two independent clauses (have students identify) and at least one subordinate, or dependent clause.


Since we are talking about sentences that have many clauses, it makes since to refresh our memories about conjunctions today.

Can anyone tell me the definition of a conjunction?

(A conjunction is a word used to combine words, phrases, or clauses together.)

We’ve been practicing using conjunctions to connect sentences. To do this we’ve used coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS-kids list) and subordinating conjunctions ( kids list), and relative pronouns (w/w). But don’t forget that conjunctions can also join words or phrases together.

Amy sings songs and plays piano. (compound verb)

Tyler loves peanut butter and jelly. (compound direct object)

Charles, Lucy, and Patty enjoyed the baseball game. (compound subject)

I enjoy running in the morning and in the evening. (compound prepositional phrase)


Tasks 1-6

(We will be saving the study of Verbals for the next lesson.)

Week Twenty


Week Twenty

Complex/Interrogative/S-Vt-DO-OCN(A) Verbs Tasks 1-6

Write on your board: the four types of verbs, the five principal parts of a verb, the four verb attributes, and 12 verb tenses (4 form X 3 time).


Colossians 4:2 – Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful.


This week we’ll be reviewing our sentence structure, purpose and pattern. We’ll also be reviewing verbs, this time focusing on verb anatomy.


From the ground, my sister called the skydiver a lunatic, even though he considered himself quite sane.

(Label the above sentence.)

The main thing that we need to remember about these complements is that they complete the grammatical construction of the clause. In other words, the DO and the OCN/OCA work together.

My sister didn’t call the skydiver, and she didn’t call the lunatic, but she called the skydiver a lunatic. Both are needed to complement each other.

In the next clause, he didn’t consider himself and he didn’t consider sane. He considered himself sane.

Also, the direct object becomes the OCA/OCN because of the action of the verb.

This week, we are going to focus on the interrogative purpose. Do you remember that there are three ways to take a declarative and change it to an interrogative? (Change above sentence.)

Change the end mark. Use an interrogative pronoun. Add a helping verb.

For the third time, Kim gave her sister the flu.

(Have students work through labeling the above sentence, just to keep them sharp.)

Part of Speech: Verbs

We are going to look at verb anatomy a bit today. This may seem like a meaningless exercise, but I guarantee that it is not. At some point you all will be learning a foreign language, if you haven’t already. Most people will say that they didn’t really understand English until they studied another language. Because they can speak English, they assume that they don’t need to know how it works. I disagree. It think that it is very important to know how our own language works. There are many reasons, but one big reason is so that you will have a leg-up when you do go to learn another language.

So, today, we will learn how to identify the five principal parts of a verb. This should be easy, because you’ve been studying this in Foundations. Can anyone name them? (Infinitive, Present, Past, Present Participle, Past Participle – write on board)

Let’s look at a few words and plug them in.

To play To cook To preach To walk

Play, plays cook, cooks preach, preaches walk, walks

Played cooked preached walked

Playing cooking preaching walking

Played cooked preached walked

Now, let’s work through chart O together.

Tasks 1-6 (if time)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

IEW U.S. History - Week Twenty-three

IEW – Week Twenty-three

Please put away your white boards and markers. Find a pen or pencil. Vocab final test. (Give/grade)

Well, this is our last class. Next week you’ll be turning in your last paper at our party. Please bring your writing notebooks. I would love to have those laying out so that everyone can look at the work that you’ve done this year.

This should be a short lesson; let’s get to work.

Today, you will learn how to write the final paragraph of your critique – the conclusion. Hopefully, last week you wrote the first four paragraphs, briefly identifying each of the elements of the story. This gives your reader the information they need to follow your analysis that you’ll be adding at the end. You will conclude your critique by sharing your opinion of the story.

Look at the model on page 11 of your SRN. Here are some helpful questions to ask. First, think about the characters. Were they interesting to read about? Why? Would most people be able to relate to them or share the same qualities they possess? Think about the conflict. Did it have suspense, action, mystery, or other things to make it interesting? Was the climax exciting? Was there an element of surprise? What do you think about the theme? Do you agree with it? Is it something helpful for you to remember in your own life?

Turn to page 156 in your U.S. History student book. Let’s work together to fill in the KWO for the conclusion.

We’ll begin by stating something positive about the story (or negative if you don’t like it). When you are writing this paragraph, you may NOT use the word “I”. Don’t say, “I like the story because,” or “I think,” etc. You could say: “This story is an entertaining story filled with humorous surprises.” Or you may say: “This story is tedious reading with no action to awaken the reader.” After giving your opinion, you’ll explain why you feel this way by answering the questions on page 11.

Use teacher’s book page 77 to fill out outline.

Level B – Finish your critique paper this week and turn it in next week in your notebook that includes your other writing.

Level A – Finish your writing from pictures paper this week. Dress it up as best you can and turn it in next week in your writing notebook.
