Thursday, February 23, 2012

IEW U.S. History - Week Twenty-two

Read page 152 before class

IEW – Week Twenty –two

Please put away your whiteboards and pull out your SRN and U.S. History student book.

This week and next week are mainly for my Level B students. Level A students will continue to work on last week’s assignment, writing from pictures. However, I would like for you to pay attention and learn what you can from this lesson for future reference.

This lesson begins a new unit in which you will be combining the skills of three previous units. You have learned the elements of a well-written story. You have learned to write reports by reading and taking notes from sources, then developing them into paragraphs with clear topics. Recently, you’ve learned to take notes from your own thoughts and ideas. In this unit, you are going to learn to use all three of these skills to help you write critiques of literature.

When you critique something, you give an opinion of it. You analyze or scrutinize what you like about it and what you don’t like. Turn to page 11 in your SRN. You’ll notice that this is a specialized basic five-paragraph essay model. This will be a 2 week assignment.

1. You’ll notice that the introductory paragraph pulls elements from both the essay model and the narrative story model. In your introduction, you’ll be telling the title of the book or story, the type of story, the author, the publisher, and the date published. You should also include background information, such as the setting and mood.

2. There are three body paragraph; however, each paragraph has a predetermined topic already chosen for you. These are the same topics as the narrative story but have one important difference. You will not be recreating the story in your report. Instead, you will be reporting on the key elements of the story, similar to a movie review. This section should be brief, as you do not want to give away too much of the story.

3. The last paragraph will be the most difficult, because this is where you analyze and give your own opinion. You‘ll ask yourself questions, such as: Do I like the story? Why or why not? Make use of this model on page 11 as you write this section. There are many more ideas of questions to ask yourself.

Let’s work through a sample KWO for the first four paragraphs, if we have time. We’ll cover the last paragraph next week. If you would like, you may take notes on page 154.

(Ask questions on SRN page 11, example answers on page 75-76. Write on board.)

Level B -This week’s assignment is to write the first four paragraphs of this critique.

Level A – Your assignment is to write your paragraph from the second picture this week. If you need assistance, there are sample KWOs in your mom’s teacher’s guide.

Next week – Final vocab quiz. Study them all.

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