Thursday, February 6, 2025

Essentials - Week 16 (5th Edition)

Week Sixteen

Complex/Declarative/S-Vt-DO-OCN  Nouns and Pronouns  Tasks 1-6

Each student, label one word in this sentence.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the world a speech that praised freedom. (S-Vt-IO-DO/SP-Vt-DO)


Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”



This week, we will be continuing to learn about complex structure and will be reviewing the declarative purpose.  We will also be adding a new sentence pattern.  It will include the objective complement noun.  This can be a little tricky, but we’ll work together on it until you understand it.

An objective complement noun follows the direct object and renames what the direct object has become as a result of the action of the verb.

S  Vt  DO  OCN
God called the light day.

S  Vt  DO  OCN
God called the dark night.

In these examples, the verb transfers action to the DO, but the thought is not yet complete. The OCN is necessary to complete the thought.

Also, the OCN renames the DO.  Light and day, dark and night, they mean the same in these sentences.

S  Vt  DO  OCN
We considered that car a lemon.

S  Vt  DO  OCN
The class elected Tom president.

Do you see here that the DO and the OCN are equal?  They mean the same thing.They are both nouns, but perform different jobs in the sentence.

Examples? (write out, but don't label)

Some words that we can use to make these sentences are:  Make, call, judge, choose, elect, nominate, paint.


This will be easier to understand if you memorize your charts, specifically chart E.  It talks about the different jobs of nouns.  It will also make doing your Quid et Quo easier, too.

Tasks 1-6

The jury judged the defendent guilty, since he had a strong alibi.


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