Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week Twenty-three

Week Twenty –three

Compound-Complex/All/S-Vt-IO-DO Adverbs Tasks 1-6

Race to see who can write 112 sentence chart on the board first.


Philippians 4:8 Finally, brother, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.



Monica gave her dog a bone.

She gave her cat a toy.

She really loves animals.

Monica, who really loves animals, gave her cat a toy, and she gave her dog a bone.

Write the three sentences on the board. Allow the students to put them together using FANBOYS and w/w. Identify and diagram this sentence.


We are going to have a quick review of adverbs before learning about the last kind of verbals.

What questions do adverbs answer? (How? When? Where? Why? How often? How much? To what extent? Under what conditions?)

Adverbs can be:

Simple (one-word adverb, no suffix) very

Flexional (adjective + ly) quickly ---------flexional can have degrees, like adjectives

Affirmative yes, certainly positive swiftly

Negative no, not, never comparative more swiftly

superlative most swiftly

Verbals: Gerunds

Last week we learned about infinitives being used as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs and participles being used as adjectives. This week we are going to learn about present participles used as nouns. Remember, present participles are verbs ending in –ing. Also, remember a noun is a person, place, thing, activity, or idea. Well, gerunds are typically activity nouns. Here are some examples:

Voting was illegal for all black men. Subject

I love dancing. Direct object

The judges awarded her cooking first prize. Indirect object

By studying, she passed the quiz. Preposition

Her favorite pastime is knitting. Predicate noun

The teacher called his behavior cheating. Object complement noun

Have children come up with examples.


Tasks 1-6

Sentence 3, 372


  1. What a wonderful resource! I just happened to notice that Wk 19 & 24 of EEL and WK 13, 19 and 24 of IEW aren't up here. Any chance of uploading them? Just thought I'd check :D

  2. Hi, Joy! This is really eerie. I am also an Essentials tutor who lives on the east side of Indy! I actually considered your church as a possibility for a CC location. Where do you/did you attend CC? How fun that there are two Elliott Essentials classes on the east side of Indy!

    1. I taught at the Plainfield location, but due to family circumstances, I don't attend this year.

    2. I taught at the Plainfield location, but due to family circumstances, I don't attend this year.

    3. I taught at the Plainfield location, but due to family circumstances, I don't attend this year.
