Thursday, December 29, 2011

IEW U.S. History - Week Nine

IEW – Week Nine

(Collect papers)

Today, we are going to practice taking notes from reference material again. However, this time there will be WAY too much information to include it all in your report.

(Hand out source text)

This source text has five paragraphs of information about the French and Indian war, but you must write either one paragraph for the younger students or three paragraphs for the older students.

So, what do we do first? (choose topics)

For younger students, this will be easy, because it has been chosen for you – simply, the French and Indian War. However older students must find three topics for three paragraphs.

Let’s look at the topic sentence and clinchers of each paragraph to see what each topic is about. (write on board)

1. Background

2. Events that led to fighting

3. The war – French and Indians winning at first

4. The war – England’s victory

5. Result of the war.

Do you think we could combine (or omit) some of these topics and choose only three that would work together in one report?

1. Before the War (para. 1&2)

2. During the war (para. 3&4)

3. Results of the war (para. 5)

Now that we have our topics, we are ready to make a key word outline, from which we can write our report.

Younger Students:

Ok, we’re going to do this for younger students first. Turn to page 53. Put your source text beside your KWO. We’re going to read this together. Whenever I read a sentence that sounds like it is an important detail about the French and Indian War, raise your hand. Highlight. Circle keywords.

Your assignment will be to write a paragraph using the keywords that we’ve circled. You’ll also need to write the final draft for it this week, so make sure that you manage your time wisely, so that you can get it done.

You’ll also need to cut out and learn your new vocab cards.

Older Students:

Let’s read the first two paragraphs of the report together. When you hear a main idea that you want to include, raise your hand. Highlight. Circle.

Add idea for clincher.

Your assignment will be to write a rough draft of your first paragraph. On the next day, write a KWO for topic two and a rough draft of your second paragraph. On the third day, write a KWO for topic three and a rough draft of your third paragraph. Then you’ll need to write an introductory sentence and a final clincher. On the fourth day, rewrite or type your final copy. Make sure to mark your elements of style and include your checklist.

This will be a busy week for writing. Make sure that you manage your time well.

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