Friday, December 30, 2011

IEW U.S. History - Week Eighteen

IEW – Week Eighteen

Turn in your rough drafts.

Please put away the white boards and get out your SRN and U.S. Student book.

We have three lessons to go over today, so I’ll try to make each one brief.

First, this week, we will learn how to write an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph. Thus far you have written reports no more than three paragraphs long, but a formal essay or report typically follows a model that is five paragraphs.

Turn with me to page 10 in your SRN. Note that there is an entire paragraph of introduction and an entire paragraph of conclusion. Let’s read through the required elements.

Now turn to page 107 in your U.S. History Student book. (Read through explanation of the elements)

Turn over to page 109 in that same book. (Read the sample intro and conclusion)

Now, for younger students, moms, you have a choice to make. They can either follow this model and end up with a four paragraph paper, or they can do what they did last paper. They could add a dramatic opener sentence and a final clincher sentence. It is up to you which they will do. However, if you have them write the full paragraphs, you may want to use the checklist on page 117, instead of the handout.


Next, turn to p. A-17. (Read the anecdotal opening.) P. 113 - This opening is a very short paragraph, just a glimpse into a day in the life of your character. You can use this as an opportunity to add in a bit more detail or a fun fact or story. However, don’t use a story that is already in your paper.

Finally, turn to page 115. This lesson just reminds you to do two things: write a bibliography and attach it to the end of your paper, and be ready to read your paper to the class next week.


This week you’ll be adding an intro and a conclusion to your rough draft, as well as writing the final copy and adding the Bibliography. Don’t forget to dress up or use your prop.
I look forward to seeing and hearing your presentations next week!

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