Thursday, December 29, 2011

IEW U.S. History - Week Fourteen

IEW – Week Fourteen

Put away your white boards and pull out U.S. History Student book and SRN.

This week, we will be learning how to add direct quotes from the source text into the report. First of all, you will be using quotation marks to set off the quotation from your own words. Turn in your SRN to page 67. This page will tell you what you need to know this week as you add in direct quotes. Refer to it in order to make sure you’re using the quotation marks correctly.

Something else that may be useful in this lesson is the use of the ellipsis. Some of the passages that you may want to quote from the D of I are quite lengthy. You may choose to quote only the key phrases of such passages. To do this, you must place an ellipsis, or three periods in a row, where the words that you are leaving out should be.

“ …all men are created equal…with certain unalienable Rights…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Notice that you will put no space before or after the ellipsis.

Today is the day to talk about grammar, apparently. Turn to p. 63. We’ll be talking about how to use colons and semicolons.

Read 3a. In the first example, the list is disconnected from the sentence pattern. The sentence is complete before the list. Therefore, we would use a colon before the list.

In the next two examples, the lists are part of the sentence patterns, either the DO or the PN. The sentence would not make sense without them, so we do NOT use a colon.

Read 3b., 3c., and 3d.

If you feel like your child needs to work on those some more, there are worksheets in the SRN for them to complete beside each of those pages. (62, 64, 68)

Finally, you will be having a vocab test next week, so let’s go over some vocab words.

(Play game with two teams answering questions on cards.)

Declaration of Independence Paper Assignment

Level B

Week 13 Write KWOs and then fused KWOs for three topics (lessons 14/15, p. 88-91 & 94).

Week 14 Write rough draft for the three paragraphs using all elements of style learned to date, including grammar rules we’ll be learning in week 14 (lessons 14/15). Make sure you leave space to add in corrections and dramatic openers and closers that we’ll be learning in week 15.

Week 15 Add dramatic openers and closers to rough draft. Polish your rough draft. Write final draft; include bibliography. Follow checklist on p. 99. Label your paper appropriately.

Level A (It is up to your mother which you choose to do.)

Week 13 Write KWOs and then fused KWO for paragraph about Thomas Jefferson (substitute texts ebook handout).

Write rough draft, using all the elements of style that you have learned (according to mom).

Week 14 Write KWOs and then fused KWO for paragraph about The Contents of the Declaration (lessons 14/15, p. 94).

Write rough draft, same as above.

Week 15 Add dramatic openers and closers to the two-paragraph rough draft. Polish your rough draft. Write final draft. (Include bibliography if your mom wants you to.) Follow checklists on handout

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