EEL – Week Six
Chart A challenge
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Now that we have learned all four sentence purposes, it is time to add a new structure and a new pattern. (chart A) We will learn about the compound structure of a sentence, as well as about conjugations, which are necessary for forming compound sentences. In addition, we will learn about a new sentence pattern Subject-Verb transitive-Direct Object.
Compound Sentences
We will be learning about compound sentences today, but before we begin with that, we must understand what a clause is. Does anyone remember what a clause is? It is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. (Identify subject and verb)
In the morning.
We will go to the store tomorrow.
Over the river and through the woods.
It is nice outside.
If you understand what a clause is, the concept of a compound sentence shouldn’t be too difficult. A compound sentence is simply two independent clauses joined together by a coordinating conjunction.
Ex: My mother loves me. She cares for me.
My mother loves me, and she cares for me.
My mother loves me, so she cares for me.
My mother loves me, for she cares for me.
This sentence joins two independent clauses with a comma and “and”. Note that each clause could stand alone as its own sentence. So we took, essentially, too complete sentences and joined them together with – (what?).
Now look at this sentence:
My mother loves me and cares for me.
Is this a compound sentence? Why not? There are no longer two independent clauses. “Cares for me” cannot stand alone as its own sentence, but rather depends upon the subject, Mother.
Look at this one:
My mother and I love our dog Charley.
Is this a compound sentence? No. There are two subjects but only one verb. “My mother” cannot stand alone as its own sentence.
Look at chart G for examples. They’ll be working on this chart this week.
Can anyone tell me what a conjunction is? It is a word used to connect words, phrases or clauses together. We’ve just been using these in the previous sentences. Can you tell me which ones they are?
The most common conjunctions are coordinating conjunctions, and we will be focusing on these today.
Coordinating conjunctions connect grammatically equal words, groups of words, or clauses. They can be easily memorized by the acronym FANBOYS:
Two independent clauses can be joined with a coordinating conjunction to create a compound sentence. The clauses are separated by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
You will need to work on memorizing these this week. If you memorize these, it will make recognizing sentence structure much easier.
The dog barked, so the cat ran. (Compound sentence)
The dog and the cat ran through the yard. (Compound subject)
The dog ran and barked. (Compound verb)
Other types of conjunctions – (look at chart H)
Correlative – Neither my sister nor I love broccoli.
Either my sister or I will wash the dishes.
Subordinating –
When while where as since if although whereas unless because
Relative pronouns – who/which
We are also going to learn about a new sentence pattern this week, which you’ll have a chance to practice during the week. It is the subject – verb transitive – direct object sentence pattern.
This pattern requires a transitive verb, which means that the verb transfers the action to the thing that follows it. That “thing” is a noun or pronoun which will act as direct object, or the object of the action.
S Vi
Jesus loves.
My mother loves me. (Mother loves what?)
My mother loves roses. (Mother loves what?)
Do you see the difference here? In the first sentence, Jesus loves. It is simply what He does.
In the second sentence, the action of loving is being transferred to the word me. So, we ask the question: My mother loves who or what? My mother loves me. Me is a pronoun acting as a direct object.
In the third sentence, roses is a noun acting as a direct object. My mother loves who or what? My mother loves roses.
Some things to think about when studying transitive verbs:
1. Direct objects are always nouns or pronouns.
2. Not all verbs can be transitive verbs.
The dog barked in the yard. (The dog barked who or what?)
The verb barked is not transitive because it does not transfer action to anything. There is no answer to the question WHO or WHAT.
Just a note, last week we were talking about subject and predicate. Remember the subject is who or what the sentence is about and the predicate is what is being said about the subject.
My daughter loves broccoli.
What is the subject? The predicate? So the direct object is part of the predicate.
OK. Do we understand about direct objects?
Work through tasks 1-4
John ate candy, and he drank soda.
Task 2 - Mechanics
Is there a subject?
Is there a verb?
Does it begin with a capital letter?
Does it have an end mark?
Does it make complete sense?
Is other punctuation and capitalization correct?
Are words spelled correctly?
Task 3 – Question confirmation
Who ate candy? John – subject noun
What is being said about John? John ate, verb
John ate what? Candy
And, conjunction
Who drank soda? He, subject
What is being said about he? He drank, verb
He drank what? Soda
Classification: Compound, Declarative, S-Vt-DO/S-Vt-DO
Diagram – explain that each clause has its own line, connected with the dotted line
Task 4 – Diagramming
Practice charts G and H this week. They will really help in understanding the tasks.
Tasks (moms)
1-4 at home. If you need to only diagram the first clause of the sentence, that’s ok. And if you need to only diagram the subject and verb, that’s ok, too. You know your student.
Test (moms)
This week you will be giving your students a test at home. Directions for doing this are on p. 109.
These are so helpful! Thankyou for writing each week. Blessings